Saturday, 20 April 2013

Gales, Drugs and Rock 'N' Roll

There used to be a beach under all this...
A vet arrived this week from Edinburgh, specializing in anesthetics, to guide us in darting the deer properly and looking after them while they are recumbent. Darting can only really be done in decent weather, so after 6 weeks of glorious sunshine, the vet arrives for a week and the gales arrive too...
A good spot for fishing, but not in that swell!
 The whole week we were raring to go out and dart, after spending a lot of time getting prepared for this week. Finally, we awake early on Friday to find the wind has died and sun is out, darting is on! We managed to dart and process 3 animals on Friday, before the winds returned. The whole experience was certainly a learning curve, and I'm very glad the vet was on hand to point us in the right direction and make sure we understood and were aware of even slight changes in the animals behavior while it's asleep. Today (20/4/13) Martyn darted another hind in the morning, bringing our total to 4, which given the very challenging conditions and annoying arrival of ponies, was very good!
The weather was so poor the ponies wanted inside

The navy showed up off Skye for a few days
 The military has certainly been out in force this week with naval exercises at sea continuing and very low flying jets streaking across the sky. The sudden arrival of 4 jets overhead really got one of our darted animals awake very quickly after the reversal drug was administered!
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 Where has the time gone? May and the calving season are bearing down on us so very quickly, with many jobs still to do and many miles to walk. I don't know when I'll get to the village next so my next update may be some time, but I should have lots of new photos by then too!
Think this is one of the new destroyers that were built in the Clyde

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